Penisola Edizioni
Penisola Edizioni

Pleasure Island
Federico Arcangeli


Text: Aldo Bonomi


It’s a pilgrimage to the Italian entertainment cluster. Rimini, capital of the Romagna Riviera, the mecca of post-war Italian holidays, later transformed into the privileged destination of party animals, transgression, erotic atmosphere, disco victims of the nineties. So writes on the book Aldo Bonomi, sociologist and author of the well-known essay ‘District of Pleasure’ (Bollati Borlinghieri, 2000): “at the center of the representation is the key figure of the ‘consumer actor, who showcases within an imaginary inspired by desiring lifestyles, lately transformed in merchandise. The island of pleasure represents them in its diversity of registries, rituals, and trends. The images tell of a new diversification of the social composition of the supply chain of emotions and desire.”


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First edition, 2019
300 copies
23 x 17 cm
104 pages
Velvet cover with hot foil stamping on holographic paper
English and Italian
ISBN: 978-88-32108-04-0